"I was never truly free from the shackles that restricted my mind until Islam found me. I had an anger in my soul that destroyed friendships, possible success's, and my ability to trust. The day that I had said my shahadah.. "Ash hadu an la ilaha ill Allah wa ash hadu anna Muhammadar Rasul Allah.I declare there is no god but Allah and I declare that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah." beautifully rose from my soul and was spoken from my mouth, I was truly free. Free from stress, anger, ill feelings towards my enemies and everything else that held me slave to my own self. The beauty of Islam is indescribable, alhamdulillah...Love...."
Monday, 29 June 2015
18 year old From United Kingdom decided to Revert! Her name is Safiyah
18 year old From United Kingdom decided to Revert! Her name is Safiyah , The average teen who rebels at her age,Drinks, Drugs,Running away from home etc, When she fell in Love with A Muslim man who made her fall in Love with Islam, Safiyah is Engaged soon to be Married# May Allah bring happiness and Joy to her and her Husband ameen ya rabb
Assalamu alikum brothers and sister
I thought I would share my story with you all. My name is Nuri Silay, I am a 26 year old Turkish Cypriot man who lives in London. I lived 24 years of my life as an atheist. I had no belief in any God or religion whatsoever. I wasn't the most well behaved teenager as well. I lived a life of alcohol, clubs, crime, girls and other unnecessary things. Until 2 years ago when I met a new friend which would talk to me a lot about Islam. I slowly started reading the Quran, I had so many of my unanswered questions answered. I accepted Islam into my life, declared my shahadah "Ash hadu an la ilaha ill Allah wa ash hadu anna Muhammadar Rasul Allah.I declare there is no god but Allah and I declare that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah." I pray as much as I can and go the mosque every Friday. I stopped drinking alcohol and I have stopped eating pork and non halal meat. Everyday I try to do more and more to practice Islam. I am a proud Muslim and I am the happiest I have ever been in my life and I have everything I could ever need...ALLAH. Allahu Akbar."
12 Proofs Of Prophethood
All praise and gratitude is to Allah – our Creator, Provider and the Maintainer of all the worlds. Muslims believe that Muhammad (may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him) was the final prophet of God, sent to the whole of mankind to call the people to worship The Creator alone, and show praise and gratitude to Him. The following are some proofs of his Prophethood. 1. Muhammad (may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him) was raised illiterate, unable to read or write, and remained like that till his death. Among all his people, he was known as being truthful and trustworthy. Before receiving revelation, he had no prior knowledge of Religion or any previously sent Message. He remained like that for his first forty years. Revelation then came to Muhammad with the Qur’an that we have in our hands today. This Qur’an mentioned most of the accounts found in the previous scriptures, telling us about these events in the greatest detail as if he witnessed them. These accounts came precisely as they were found in the Torah sent down to Moses and in the Gospel sent down to Jesus. 2. Muhammad (may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him) also foretold of things that would occur to him and his community after him, pertaining to victory, the removal of the tyrannical kingdoms of Choruses [the royal title for the Zoroastrian kings of Persia] and Caesar, and the establishment of the religion of Islam throughout the earth. These events occurred exactly as Muhammad foretold, as if he was reading the future from an open book. 3. Muhammad (may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him) also brought an Arabic Qur’an that is the peak of eloquence and clarity. The Qur’an challenged those eloquent and fluent Arabs of his time, who initially belied him, to bring forth a single chapter like the Qur’an. The eloquent Arabs of his day were unable to contest this Qur’an. Indeed, till our day, none has ever dared to claim that he has been able to compose words that equal-or even approach-the order, grace, beauty, and splendor of this Glorious Qur’an. 4. The life history of this Noble Prophet was a perfect example of being upright, merciful, compassionate, truthful, brave, generous, distant from all evil character, and ascetic in all worldly matters, while striving solely for the reward of the Hereafter. Moreover, in all his actions and dealings, he was ever mindful and fearful of The Creator. 5. Allah instilled great love for Muhammad (may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him) in the hearts of all who believed in and met him. This love reached such a degree that any of his companions would willingly sacrifice his (or her) self, mother or father for him. Till today, those who believe in Muhammad honor and love him. Anyone of those who believe in him would ransom his own family and wealth to see him, even if but once. 6. All of history has not preserved the biography of any person in the manner it has preserved the life of Muhammad, who is the most influential human in history. Nor has the entire earth known of anyone whom every morning and evening, and many times thereafter throughout the day, are thought of by those who believe in him. Upon remembering Muhammad, the believers in him will greet him and ask Allah to bless him. They do such with full hearts and true love for him. 7. Nor has there been a man on earth whom is still followed in all his doings by those who believe in him. Those who believe in Muhammad sleep in the manner he slept; purify themselves (through ablution and ritual washing) in the manner he purified himself; and adhere to his practice in the way they eat, drink, and clothe themselves. Indeed in all aspects of their lives, the believers in Muhammad adhere to the teachings he spread among them and the path that he traveled upon during his life. During every generation, from his day till our time, the believers in this Noble prophet have fully adhered to his teachings. Let alone all that, all those who believe in Muhammad repeat those praises of Allah, special prayers, and invocations that he would say during each of his actions, supplicating to Allah during day and night, like: what he would say when he greeted people, upon entering and leaving the house, entering and leaving the mosque, entering and leaving the bathroom, going to sleep and awaking from sleep, observing the new crescent, observing the new fruit on trees, eating, drinking, dressing, riding, traveling and returning from travel, etc. All those who believe in Muhammad fully perform-even to the minute detail-every act of worship-like prayer, fasting, charity, and pilgrimage-as this Noble Messenger (may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him) taught and as he himself performed. All of this allows those who believe in him, to live their lives in all aspects with this Noble Messenger as their example, as if he was standing before them, for them to follow in all their doings. 8. There has never been, nor will there ever be a man anywhere upon this earth who has received such love, respect, honor, and obedience in all matters-small and large alike-as has this Noble Prophet. 9. Since his day, in every region of the earth and during every period, this Noble Prophet has been followed by individuals from all races, colors and peoples. Many of those who followed him were previously Christians, Jews, pagans, idolaters, or without any religion. Among those who chose to follow him, were those who were known for their sound judgment, wisdom, reflection, and foresight. They chose to follow this Noble Prophet after they witnessed the signs of his truthfulness and the evidences of his miracles. They did not choose to follow Muhammad out of compulsion or coercion or because they had adopted the ways of their fathers and mothers. Indeed many of the followers of this Prophet (may Allah's blessings peace be upon him), chose to follow him during the time when Islam was weak, when there were few Muslims, and when there was severe persecution of his followers on earth. Most people who have followed this Prophet (may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him) have done so not to acquire some material benefits. Indeed many of his followers have suffered the greatest forms of harm and persecution as a result of following this Prophet. Despite all this harm and persecution, this did not turn them back from his religion. All of this clearly indicates, that this Prophet was truly and really Allah's messenger and that he was not just a man who claimed prophet hood or spoke about Allah without knowledge. 10. With all this, Muhammad came with a great religion in its creedal and legal make-up. Muhammad described Allah with qualities of complete perfection, and at the same time in a manner that is free of ascribing to Him any imperfection. Neither the philosophers nor the wise could ever describe Allah like such. Indeed it is impossible to imagine that any human mind could conceive of an existing being that possesses such complete ability, knowledge, and greatness; who has subdued the creation and has encompassed everything in the universe, small or large; and possesses such perfect mercy. Nor is it in the ability of any human being to place a perfect law based upon justice, equality, mercy and objectivity for all human activity on earth like the laws that Muhammad brought for all spheres of human activity - like buying and selling, marriage and divorce, renting, testimony, custody, and all other contracts that are necessary to uphold life and civilization on earth. 11. It is impossible that any person conceive wisdom, morals, good manners, nobleness of characters as what this honorable Prophet (may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him) brought. In a full and complete manner, Muhammad spread a teaching regarding character and manners toward one's parents, relatives, fiends, family, humanity, animals, plants and inanimate objects. It is impossible for the human mind alone to grasp all of that teaching or come with a similar teaching. All of that unequivocally indicates that this Messenger did not bring this religion from his own accord, but that it was rather a teaching and inspiration that he received from the One Who created the earth and the high heavens above and created this universe in its miraculous architecture and perfection. 12. The legal and creedal make-up of the religion that the Messenger, Muhammad, (may Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him) brought resembles the engineering of the heavens and the earth. All of that indicates that He who created the heavens and the earth is the One Who sent down this great law and upright religion. The degree of inimitability of the Divine law that was sent down upon Muhammad is to the same degree of inimitability of the Divine creation of the heavens and earth. For just as humanity cannot create this universe, in the same manner humanity cannot bring forth a law like Allah's law that He sent down upon His servant and messenger Muhammad (may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him). |
Tuesday, 23 June 2015
Brother Jason shares
"It was about 9 years ago when it began. I had just been baptised as a Christian. I was as well read in the Bible then as I am now as I had read it cover to cover 7 times. I knew there was more to our story, however,I could not accept two things. #1) I could not accept the teaching that Isa (peace be upon him) was God. I had read several texts that say the opposite of that teaching. #2) I could not accept the teaching that the Bible was the only true word of God. In my mind, containing ALLAH to one manuscript was like putting borders on who our Creator is.
I began talking to a gentleman named Najeaulah Muhammad. I received just a small bit of dawah from him, but he did something that surprised me beyond that...He also gave me his Qur'an, which I still have and read from to this day. At first, my New, Beautiful copy of the Qur'an sat in the highest place on display at home. I had been taught by other Christians, some of them my own family, that the Qur'an was a lie and that Muslims treated Christians with beheadings. Yet, as I had once been pagan and worse a satanist, I knew what evil was and I got no such feeling when I gazed upon the Gold inscription on the cover. About a year later, after talking extensively with another Muslim friend of mine, I decided to open my Qur'an. Before I did, I prayed,"Father God, if this is Your Book, let me see with my first glimpse."
When I opened the Qur'an, I opened to Surrah 21 (Al-Anbiya) verse 91 "And [mention] the one who guarded her chastity, so We blew into her [garment] through Our angel [Gabriel], and We made her and her son a sign for the worlds." This verse caused me to read more, to question the dogma of my Christian faith. The seed of truth sprouted at this point in my life.
I had attempted to gain more instruction from the Imam at the local masjid, but there was always something keeping me from accomplishing that goal. Not to mention, it was still an uncommon thing in that area for a former U.S. Army soldier to request instruction. It was late in 2006 by then, so you can imagine the scrutiny. I continued to study at every chance, not giving up on my desire for truth. After years of study and searching for guidance, I stumbled upon some youtube videos uploaded by a man named Hussein Hussein and a man who goes by the name Ali Dawah. The Muslim men in the videos were more knowledgeable about the Bible than the Christians were! The Muslim men all kept their composure and were polite, unlike the Christians! I had seen this very thing in the church I was attending. I couldn't take the hipocrisy anymore. I chose to embrace Islam as everything I had learned myself was contrary to what was taught, or force fed, to me from the pulpit and even my own family. Literally. I may be the only one in my family to be striving to become a good Muslim, but I believe that ALLAH will be there to keep me strong in my deen and keep me mindful of ALL things concerning Him."
Monday, 22 June 2015
Reverted brother from Sweden said:
"The Words of ALLAH touched my soul and I entered Islam - The religion of the TRUTH!"
One of the fundamental truths established by the sacred texts is that no one can be compelled to accept Islam. It is the duty of Muslims to establish the proof of Islam to the people so that truth can be made clear from falsehood. After that, whoever wishes to accept Islam may do so and whoever wishes to continue upon unbelief may do so. No one should be threatened or harmed in any way if he does not wish to accept Islam.
ALLAH (subhanahu wa ta'ala) says:
“Let there be no compulsion in religion. Truth has been made clear from error. Whoever rejects false worship and believes in God has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that never breaks. And God hears and knows all things.” (Quran 2:256)
“Let there be no compulsion in religion. Truth has been made clear from error. Whoever rejects false worship and believes in God has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that never breaks. And God hears and knows all things.” (Quran 2:256)
A US technology engineer in Saudi Arabia had converted to Islam
Saying he was impressed by the way people kissed the head of their seniors.
Stuart Elby, 33, a robot engineer at the German Siemens company in the Gulf kingdom, named himself Omar and went to the mosque in Riyadh on Friday with Saudi friends and some members of a government Islamic guidance centre.
“He prayed with them at the mosque for the first time after they showed him how to pray…he asked many questions and appeared impressed when he saw that people were kissing the forehead of their seniors,” Sabq daily said.
He had said friends told him that the kiss signifies respect for the elderly and that lifting the witness finger while praying refers to the “oneness of God- ALLAH.”
Whoever seeks ALLAH, will surely find Him even it is in the strangest of places
Whoever seeks ALLAH, will surely find Him even it is in the strangest of places, in the strangest of ways.
“And when they listen to the revelation received by the Messenger, thou wilt see their eyes overflowing with tears, for they recognize the truth: They pray:‘Our Lord! We believe, write us down among the witnesses. What cause can we have not to believe in ALLAH and the truth which has come to us, seeing that we long for our Lord to admit us to the company of the righteous?" (Qur’an 5:83-84)
A British Gentleman's Journey to Islam:
Ibraheem Greeves is an elderly British man who witnessed the creation of the state of Israel.
In this talk, he expresses his feelings about Islam and how he embraced it after trying several other ...religions.
"Since I was a child, I was always searching, I really didn't know what I was searching for, but my search took me to many places.
It started with Christianity, then I converted to Catholicism, Buddhism, all kinds of religions; and for some reason I felt they weren't right.
Then I met Muslims many years ago; I didn't even know they were Muslims. One day, I went to an eating-place in Basra, Iraq. I wondered into this place, then I sat down and someone gave me a spoon. There were people sitting at the table, but no one was eating. It was strange, and I had the sense not to eat although I was hungry.
Then, the adhan (call to prayer) came; but I didn't know it was the adhan. After the adhan finished, they all started to eat and talk. It was Ramadan of course, but I also didn't know what Ramadan was.
I'd always been attracted to that part of the world... Back in 1948, all the media was always anti-Islam, there was a lot of propaganda at the time of the creation of Israel about the "brave Israelis" and what they were doing, creating a "paradise"...
Because I lived with Muslims, I didn't believe what was said in the media about them, I knew that Muslims are not like that, they were always kind to me and friendly.
After I read about Christianity and the other religions, I started to read the Quran. At first I wasn't that impressed, in a way it sounded all doom, and things like that... Then I put it down, and then I read it again... I wasn't able to meet many scholarly Muslims back then to teach me about Islam and the Quran.
I went to Tunisia, one Friday; I sat in front of the grand mosque having a coffee. I suddenly noticed that there were a lot of people going into the mosque, a lot of people more than usual, I didn't know why but their numbers were increasing. Suddenly I just thought that I wanted to be with them, I really wanted to be walking with them without even knowing why.
I went into the mosque and asked someone there about Islam. He spent a lot of time talking about Islam, and it all made sense to me. It was the first time for me to be in a mosque, I was attracted for just being there, and I took the Shahadah there.
Then after some time, I came back to England and I lived in a place where there were more Muslims.
The Muslim community have supported me very well as far as they could, but I had special needs as I couldn't hear properly, but I got what I needed to understand at that time...
I was desperately wanting to know about Islam, I was thirsty to know more about Islam. I don't speak Arabic but of course the English is very important... Since I had the stroke, I know more about Islam, but now I can only read a little bit, a small amount, and that's how I educated myself about Islam, bit by bit.
My belief is that we want what Allah wishes to give us, and I'm very grateful for what He has given to me, Al-Hamdulel-Allah"
Monday, 15 June 2015
Ma shaa'Allaah! Beautiful story. May ALLAH continue to bless and strengthen sister Taqwa
Ma shaa'Allaah! Beautiful story. May ALLAH continue to bless and strengthen sister Taqwa, Aameen!
"Salam. My name is Taqwa and I would like to share the story of how I became a Muslim. I was born "Jennifer" in a dysfunctional household in Los Angeles. My mom had numerous boyfriends that came into her life and out many times. i never knew who my father was and eventually my mother got hooked on meth. She became an absolute nightmare for me and my 2 younger siblings. I had to grow up very quickly. Sadly, I began to smoke, drink and cut myself due to all of the pain and pressure. I wanted to die. I ran away from home many times but always came back because of my younger siblings.
One day, I was pumping gas at a 76 stations and I was clearly flustered and for some reason I was unable to pump gas an African American lady approached in traditional Islamic headwear approached me and offered to help me. While she walked towards me I remember immediately judging her in my mind. I asked why she wore that thing on her head when it was so hot. She explained why and in such an eloquent manner that she really caught my attention. I knew in my heart that she knew that I was going through pain and struggle and she offered dinner at her place. I declined but then as I walked away, I quickly turned around and said "ok"! She had a peaceful, angelic aura. I was very drawn to it. This sweet and kind woman is the reason I pursued Islam. It has been a struggle but Kalimah is the reason why I am the better person that I am today. My life changed drastically, I am set to graduate college and start a career now. I wear hijab and I love it! My younger brother saw the beauty of Islam and took Shahada too! That day at the gas station change my life." Your new sister in Islam, Taqwa .
Ma shaa'Allaah,believed to be the oldest revert in the world
Ma shaa'Allaah,believed to be the oldest revert in the world, 95-year-old Georgette Lepaulle from Berchem (Belgium) accepted Islam in 2012. It all started when her family had wanted to put her in an old age nursing home. Her Muslim neighbour, Muhammad of 40 over years had heard about it and talked to her family that he will happily take over the responsibilty to care and look after her and not to leave her in a home as Islam doesnt allow that and he wanted to help. It wasn't problem as Muhammad’s wife, son and two daughters knew Georgette all throughout their lives. Muhammad had just lost his own mother and Georgette helped to recover that loss.
"Living with Muhammad's family, I fell in love with Islam" Georgette had said. “I saw how these people prayed together. I saw how caringly they interacted. How they talked to each other. How important family is to them.Islam is truly beautiful! Totally different from my cold family. Since my conversion, I have not heard from my 72 year old daughter."
Subhan'Allaah, It's NEVER too late to return to Allaah! Never to late to become Muslim. All the sin she had gathered up for 95 years is forgiven AND NOW SHE IS LIKE A NEW BORN BABY! May Allaah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) reward brother Muhammad and his family for their kindness and guidance to this sister and showing us the value of honoring our parents.Aameen!
It is a real love story.
A 27 year old palestinian male marries a Japanese female after she has reached Gaza Strip, today.
They have met each other on the Internet few years ago, fallen in love then she converted to Islam. They have suffered a lot and borne real hardships till they, finally, have been together. They have approved that love can make impossible possible.
May Lord bless their marriage.
They have met each other on the Internet few years ago, fallen in love then she converted to Islam. They have suffered a lot and borne real hardships till they, finally, have been together. They have approved that love can make impossible possible.
May Lord bless their marriage.
Thursday, 11 June 2015
I used to be the most shy person ever
I am a big fan of this page and it seems everything you post is always something new and entertaining. It is great to see all sorts of Muslims – liberal and non- liberal go to one page to read Islam/Muslim related posts. My name is Mouadth and I am an American born Muslim. I used to be the most shy person ever, I never spoke in groups and was always very quiet. However, Allaah blessed me with the ability to recite His Holy Book. I was always scared to recite in front of people though. However, last Ramadan I forced myself to actually try to understand the meaning of the Quran. So I started watching videos on YouTube and cleared my mind and Subhan'Allaah, Allaah opened my chest for me. I started to cry so hard because I spent my entire life without knowing the true beauty this Book held. I fell in love with this Book,the Holy Quran and begin memorizing as much as possible.
Once you have this haqq in your heart, suddenly all fears go away. My fear of reciting Quran had left my heart and I began reciting for all sorts of events. The biggest miracle of Islam is the Quran yet so many of us choose to ignore it."
Greatest Treasure in the World - A Pious Wife.
If a beautiful woman is a jewel, then a pious woman is a treasure.
The Prophet (sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam ) said:
"The world is delightful and its greatest treasure is a good (pious) woman".[Sahih Muslim]
"The world is delightful and its greatest treasure is a good (pious) woman".[Sahih Muslim]
Islam has made a good wife the best treasure a man can have in his life, after belief in ALLAH (subhanahu wa ta'ala) and following His commands. She is considered the key to happiness.
“And women of purity are for men of purity, and men of purity are for women of purity” [Qur’an 24:26]
“And women of purity are for men of purity, and men of purity are for women of purity” [Qur’an 24:26]
My dear brothers In Islam
You can marry a woman for her wealth but money will perish.
You can marry a woman for her beauty but beauty will fade away.
You can marry a woman for her power but power will be gone.
If you marry a pious and righteous woman who fears ALLAH,
- she will honour you,
- she will be affectionate with you,
- she will help you to get closer to ALLAH.
Your love story will last forever. It will begin in this life and In Shaa 'Allaah will continue in Jannah.
You can marry a woman for her wealth but money will perish.
You can marry a woman for her beauty but beauty will fade away.
You can marry a woman for her power but power will be gone.
If you marry a pious and righteous woman who fears ALLAH,
- she will honour you,
- she will be affectionate with you,
- she will help you to get closer to ALLAH.
Your love story will last forever. It will begin in this life and In Shaa 'Allaah will continue in Jannah.
JAYNE patrols her beat wearing a traditional hijab
JAYNE patrols her beat wearing a traditional hijab headscarf and even works extra time after shifts so she can attend Friday prayers at her mosque. Devout Jayne reverted to Islam and changed her name to Aminah.
The single mum, who patrols Eccles, Gtr Manchester, as a Police Community Support Officer, says: “I thought Islam was all about women being forced to slave away in the kitchen — but I found out it was about being generous with your time, and patient and respectful of others.
“As I looked into it, I saw similarities with Catholicism and noticed values such as looking after your neighbours and cherishing the elderly, which is something older people say younger people don’t do any more. “I wasn’t looking for any religion at the time but for every question I had answered about Islam, I had five more.
I fell in love with it.”
I fell in love with it.”
Wednesday, 10 June 2015
Sister Nivia writes
"Assalam'alaykum, my husband and I are both reverts to Islam. He was formerly Hindu and I was Catholic. He was born and raised in India. I come from a Guatemalan family and was raised in Brooklyn, NY. We both faced terrible difficulties in our first marriages. We are each others 2nd marriage and have now been finally graced with peace. We're both dedicated to giving dawah to strangers to share the message of Islam. We hope that the message of tawheed will ease the burden of people who are struggling on their search for the meaning of life."
Musa Cerantonio was born in Australia to parents of Italian and Irish heritage.
Musa Cerantonio was born in Australia to parents of Italian and Irish heritage. At age 17, he embraced Islam. He said:Allaah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) guided him to Islam through his Muslim friends who had asked him to read the Noble Quran to understand Islam better as he was always interested in Quran, science and its miracles. He left all bad habits before coming to Islam and it was a drastic change in him for the better.He had to leave his girlfriend, despite his love for her because she had refused to convert.
He had studied Arabic and he specialised in history and media in university, and he furthered these studies with additional education specifically regarding the rich Islamic history from Muslim sources, deciding to devote his time to a subject that is of great importance yet is often not taught. He continued his Islamic studies in Australia as well as abroad, spending time studying in Mindanao as well as in the Middle East and now is an active dawah carrier.

Wednesday, 3 June 2015
To Allaah we belong, and to Him we shall return.
JEDDAH — A Bahraini man famous for being captured by camera performing circumambulation around a flooded Holy Kaaba (tawaf) as a boy has died, aged 86.
News of the death of Sheikh Al-Awadi, who performed tawaf during the flooding of Makkah in 1941, went viral on social media.
The photo of a 12-year-old Al-Awadi almost submerged in water is one of the rare pictures of the flooding that struck the Grand Mosque and the holy city 74 years ago.
Al-Awadi died in Bahrain on Wednesday, according to the Bahrain News Agency. It was for the first time in the history of Islam’s holiest shrine that floodwater engulfed the Grand Mosque, rising to a height of six feet.
The water left behind a thick layer of mud on the flooring of the courtyards and chambers of the Grand Mosque. Earlier in 2013, taking part in a program aired by Kuwait’s Al-Rai television, Al-Awadi recalled the sweet memories of his tawaf during the flooding.
He said: “I was a student in Makkah at the time when the holy city witnessed torrential rain for nearly one week incessantly throughout day and night, resulting in flashfloods inundating all parts of the holy city.
“I saw several people, vehicles and animals washed away by flashfloods and several houses and shops inundated.” On the last day of the rain, he decided to go to the mosque along with brother Haneef and two friends, Muhammad Al-Tayyib from the Malian city of Timbuktu and Hashim Al-Bar from Aden, Yemen, to see what was going on.
“Our teacher Abdul Rauf from Tunis also accompanied us.
“As children, we were delighted to see the flooded mataf. “Being a good swimmer, I was struck by the idea of performing tawaf and my brother and friends also joined me.”
When they started swimming, policemen tried to stop them in case they tried to steal the Black Stone on one of the corners of the Holy Kaaba or because they might be harmed.
"I tried to convince the police to allow me to complete tawaf while my friend Muhammad Al-Tayyib and another boy called Ali Thabit could not continue tawaf and they took shelter by climbing on the doorstep of the Holy Kaaba, waiting to be rescued.
“I had a mixed feeling of joy and fear while circumambulating the Holy Kaaba. “I experienced the joy of having the great opportunity to perform the ritual in a unique way and the fear that the policeman may shoot at me from his rifle for disobeying him, but later I found out that there were no bullets in his gun.”
Al-Awadi said when he asked the elderly people of Makkah at that time about the flooding, they said that they had never witnessed anything like that.
“Twenty years ago, when my son Abdul Majeed and his wife went to Makkah to perform Haj, he saw souvenirs with pictures of me doing tawaf that day.
“He also brought a book about Makkah and that also carried a photo of me.
May Allaah have mercy on him and gather him amongst the righteous in Jannah, Aameen!
(Source:Saudi Gazette)
— with Bilal Hassan.News of the death of Sheikh Al-Awadi, who performed tawaf during the flooding of Makkah in 1941, went viral on social media.
The photo of a 12-year-old Al-Awadi almost submerged in water is one of the rare pictures of the flooding that struck the Grand Mosque and the holy city 74 years ago.
Al-Awadi died in Bahrain on Wednesday, according to the Bahrain News Agency. It was for the first time in the history of Islam’s holiest shrine that floodwater engulfed the Grand Mosque, rising to a height of six feet.
The water left behind a thick layer of mud on the flooring of the courtyards and chambers of the Grand Mosque. Earlier in 2013, taking part in a program aired by Kuwait’s Al-Rai television, Al-Awadi recalled the sweet memories of his tawaf during the flooding.
He said: “I was a student in Makkah at the time when the holy city witnessed torrential rain for nearly one week incessantly throughout day and night, resulting in flashfloods inundating all parts of the holy city.
“I saw several people, vehicles and animals washed away by flashfloods and several houses and shops inundated.” On the last day of the rain, he decided to go to the mosque along with brother Haneef and two friends, Muhammad Al-Tayyib from the Malian city of Timbuktu and Hashim Al-Bar from Aden, Yemen, to see what was going on.
“Our teacher Abdul Rauf from Tunis also accompanied us.
“As children, we were delighted to see the flooded mataf. “Being a good swimmer, I was struck by the idea of performing tawaf and my brother and friends also joined me.”
When they started swimming, policemen tried to stop them in case they tried to steal the Black Stone on one of the corners of the Holy Kaaba or because they might be harmed.
"I tried to convince the police to allow me to complete tawaf while my friend Muhammad Al-Tayyib and another boy called Ali Thabit could not continue tawaf and they took shelter by climbing on the doorstep of the Holy Kaaba, waiting to be rescued.
“I had a mixed feeling of joy and fear while circumambulating the Holy Kaaba. “I experienced the joy of having the great opportunity to perform the ritual in a unique way and the fear that the policeman may shoot at me from his rifle for disobeying him, but later I found out that there were no bullets in his gun.”
Al-Awadi said when he asked the elderly people of Makkah at that time about the flooding, they said that they had never witnessed anything like that.
“Twenty years ago, when my son Abdul Majeed and his wife went to Makkah to perform Haj, he saw souvenirs with pictures of me doing tawaf that day.
“He also brought a book about Makkah and that also carried a photo of me.
May Allaah have mercy on him and gather him amongst the righteous in Jannah, Aameen!
(Source:Saudi Gazette)

Malaysian Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor was not the first Muslim astronaut/cosmonaut in space
Malaysian Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor was not the first Muslim astronaut/cosmonaut in space, he was probably the first one to had prayed in space. He had traveled to space as the ninth Muslim astronaut in year 2007 to show how a prayer could be made in space.
"My trip to space took place during the holy month of Ramadan. Time for fasting and prayer depends where you are situated in space. As the space shuttle was launched from Kazakhstan, we took into consideration the local time in Kazakhstan. I had prayed five times a day by taking into consideration the time in Kazakhstan. You had to turn your face towards the earth in order to pray in the direction of Makkah. The Space Station was in a position from where you could see the earth directly. One needed to tie his feet during prayers as there was no gravity. One needed to act very slowly during the whole prayer, Dr. Shukor noted."
Everyone will experience a miracle in space. I heard a "call to prayer" in space. I actually heard the "call to prayer" in the Space Station. Other astronauts had no idea about the "call to prayer" but I physically heard the call.Allaahu Akbar! You do not get much surprised about the call in space as you feel the presence and strength of Allaah in every second you are in space. I felt very close to Allaah while in space. We did fast in space. While performing my religious duties, I did not feel hungry, thirsty or tired, Dr. Shukor said.
Sharing his life in space, Dr.Shukor said that life there is much different.The first time I went to space, I looked at the earth and was shocked to see how small it is. Your heart stops and you appreciate how beautiful earth is. You feel the power of the Creator. When you look at earth from space, you realize how small the world is. We see millions of galaxies in space. As such, it is crucial to protect our world, Dr. Shukor said.
Dr. Shukor underlined.When one looks at earth from space, he can see the impact of air pollution and how the world is (negatively) changing due to certain reasons such as the deterioration ozone layer. When you do return back to earth, you want to deal with global problems rather than local ones. You deal with issues such as the hunger of children and wars. As an astronaut who returns to earth, your mission is to visit youth in different countries and change their perspective and let them have a vision. I have dedicated myself to this mission. I dream of Turkey sending an astronaut to space and working on space programs one day, Dr. Shukor said.
Shukor was born in Malaysia in 1972. He completed his elementary and high school education in Malaysia. He received medical training in India. He graduated from medical school in 1997 as a surgeon. He worked as a researcher at the Space, Science National University. Shukor loves to dive in deep waters and hike on mountains. He wanted to realize his dream of going to space. In 2006, he joined the space flight program "Ankgasawan". On October 10, 2007, he travelled to space and was recorded in history as one of the Muslim astronauts in space.

Monday, 1 June 2015
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