Alisa: "When people first see me they think hmmm Turkish, Lebanese or a mix of both - and when I say "no I'm Australian" they tend to gasp. I was born in Melbourne to an Australian mother and an almost Aussie dad (he came to Australia from Bosnia at the age of 7).
I started wearing the Hijab at 16 years of age and have never regretted my decision. I feel as though it empowers me and it gives me strength to overcome so many you feel a knot
in your stomach when you go out for the first time after making a drastic change i.e. shaving your hair or wearing a bold outfit? And when you conquer that feeling you feel amazing and like you can do anything! That's how it is for me.
in your stomach when you go out for the first time after making a drastic change i.e. shaving your hair or wearing a bold outfit? And when you conquer that feeling you feel amazing and like you can do anything! That's how it is for me.
Through all my experiences I have never felt that my hijab holds me back - I have been hired, I have been interviewed, I have been smiled at, etc etc. Despite what some people have said - hijab will ruin my young life - I, through the grace of God have been married now for almost 8 years and have 2 wonderful children. The only negative about the hijab that I've experienced is awkward tan lines hehe.
Australia is a great country with great people. We truly are lucky and blessed to be living here regardless of what our cultural backgrounds or heritages are. I stand proud to say that I am an Australian Muslim and want to thank all the true Aussies out there that show and continue to support the Muslim community in the name of peace and progress. That is what Australia is all about smile emoticon "

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