I was a Christian and I've reverted to the religion of Islam In 2007
In 2005 my mom had a dream (Ro'ia) she saw a woman with a white veil and white mantle or it's called an Islamic dress.. She told my mom one sentence (accept the religion of Islam and don't fear of that) she said that sentence in Arabic language(أسلمي ولا تخافي) she repeated that sentence three times... After two years I knew that mom was a muslim she told us (me and my three sisters) about that vision (Ro'ia)..I was surprised from that.. My mom told us that she was praying and do fasting in Ramadan month privately... In the beginning I was tough and angry.. I asked myself why my mom saw that and what's Islam... Is my religion true or not... What's Quran.... etc.... In 2007 during this year I have started to read about the religion of Islam I have read the Holy Quran, it's a great wonderful book..it talks about Allah.. Some prophets... One of them the prophet Jesus -peace be upon him -and the mother of Jesus, too. There is a whole chapter about the mother of Jesus.. Chapter 19.
It talks about Jannah (Paradise) and about Jahannam (Hell).... I knew after reading this book why Allah created us... I knew what will happen after death... What's the day of judgment, too.
It talks about Jannah (Paradise) and about Jahannam (Hell).... I knew after reading this book why Allah created us... I knew what will happen after death... What's the day of judgment, too.
After that I have studied the Bibles, the old testament and the new testament.. I found many many contradictions, many mistakes..in translation, in events...
I knew that Jews have distorted the bible and they have made a lot of mistakes in it..
(There are a thousands of examples).
One of them the trinity.
I knew that Jews have distorted the bible and they have made a lot of mistakes in it..
(There are a thousands of examples).
One of them the trinity.
Now I am very happy because I am muslim.. I have announced my conversion to Islam in 26/November /2013.Me and my family
My mom and my three sisters wear the Islamic dress (the hijab and my three sisters wear the hijab and the julbab(the Islamic dress).
My mom and my three sisters wear the Islamic dress (the hijab and my three sisters wear the hijab and the julbab(the Islamic dress).
I want to to say that the religion of Islam is religion of mercy,of grace of Allah to all mankinds and worlds.
I love the Holy Quran and the sayings of prophet Mohammed peace be upon him, especially the scientific precisions about the facts like the verses and sayings about the universe, About the creation of human.. etc.
I have known alot of them by the books of Prof.Dr Zaghloul El-Naggar.
I have meet him in his house in 5/August /2014.
I have known alot of them by the books of Prof.Dr Zaghloul El-Naggar.
I have meet him in his house in 5/August /2014.
In this photo.. Me and Prof.Dr Zaghloul El-Naggar.

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