Wednesday 18 June 2014

I'd like to share my revert story in hope to inspire others to come to islam

Hello, asalaamu alaykum!
I'd like to share my revert story in hope to inspire others to come to islam.
In sha Allah, My name before islam was Amie, my new name Ameena, I am a 21year old British girl and I reverted to Islam on August 21st 2012. 
My brother had reverted to islam a year and a half before this and it was really alien to us all (mum me and dad) as we were "Christian" by name but Athiests. If that makes sense, we had no strong beliefs.
When my brother started growing a beard and practising islam I took it quite badly and had bad feelings towards his behaviour, I would mock him as did my parents and depending what the media said about muslims that's what I believed.
For a year he would talk with me about islam and would share books with me and forward me islamic lectures ect.. But I still continued to live my party life, in aiya napa and ibiza too busy being a party girl to even consider there could be anything after this life, to busy to care.
Then I came across a book by a non muslim scientist on the scientific facts of the Quran and I was blown away.
Then something began to change in me, I started to become aware of god, I would feel BAD for drinking. I Started becoming more aware of how I was dressing, started to become aware of my company and how they effected me in different ways.
I got rid of my boyfriend and started reading books by myself and watching islamic lectures, sheik Khalid Yasin and Dr. Zakir Naik really changed my life may Allah reward them and give them jannah. For the first time in my life I actually started talking to muslims myself rather than seeing what sky news had to say, as I'm sure god did not give his revelation to sky news or BBC, so I went to the direct source, the quran.
I came back from holiday and took my shahadah (testamony of faith) a week after alhamdulillah and from that day onwards I have never looked back, I feel embarrassed of the life I lived before islam, Allah had truly blessed me with a sister in law who is also a convert and my closest 4 friends took there shahadah also and I would never ever go back to the life I was living, once everything clicked I could no longer deny the truth andl i feared dying a non muslim.
Islam is a beautiful way of life and promotes unity, equality, compassion, modesty, the good treatment of women, husbands, wifes, children elderly, parents and is the soultion for mankind. I used to love money clothes and cars, I now love prayer, charity and fasts I thank Allah for lifting a veil of my eyes because only Allah knows what my lifestyle would have done to me eventually. Destroyed and ruined me.
Thank you for reading, asalaamu alaykum

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