Myriam Francois-Cerrah: The Road To Allaah.
Myriam Francois-Cerrah, formerly known as Emilie Francois, is a
British Hollywood actress who started her acting career at a very young age,
but gave it up upon embracing Islam in 2003.
She says, “There were several things
that were pivotal in leading to this change in me. One was looking into the
Prophet Muhammad (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam).
I think he is one of the
great misunderstood figures of history.”
"My intellectual curiosity was sparked as a result of the backlash against my Muslims friends after 9/11 when I, like most people, was convinced that Islam was responsible for this atrocity. I wanted to understand why my friends would remain part of such a faith.“
“When I began looking into the faith, I realised how antithetical those terrorist actions are to the core message of Islam which enjoins peace, moderation and fairness. I then began to realise what was actually behind 9/11 was the distorted ideology of some political extremists, using Islam as a veneer to justify their actions."
“Islam is about always having balance and I think the prophet's (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) message was fundamentally about having balance and equilibrium in all that we do.”
"My intellectual curiosity was sparked as a result of the backlash against my Muslims friends after 9/11 when I, like most people, was convinced that Islam was responsible for this atrocity. I wanted to understand why my friends would remain part of such a faith.“
“When I began looking into the faith, I realised how antithetical those terrorist actions are to the core message of Islam which enjoins peace, moderation and fairness. I then began to realise what was actually behind 9/11 was the distorted ideology of some political extremists, using Islam as a veneer to justify their actions."
“Islam is about always having balance and I think the prophet's (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) message was fundamentally about having balance and equilibrium in all that we do.”
“The Prophet's message was
always that you repel bad with good that you always respond to evil with good
and always remember that god loves justice so even when people are committing
serious injustices against you, you have a moral responsibility and a moral
obligation in front of god to always appall justice and never yourself
transgress those limits.”
She quotes a few favourite
quotes by Prophet Mohammad (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) such as, 'Forgive
him who wrongs you. Join him who cuts you off. Do good to him who does evil to
you and speak the truth even if it be against yourself.'”
“Islam's beauty really
becomes to its own when it becomes manifest and it becomes manifest when you
make it into a tool for the betterment of society, human kind and the world.”
“The ideal from an Islamic
perspective is for ethics to become lived ethics to become an applied body of
values and not remain unfortunately as it often is cloistered in the Mosque of
somewhere which is some more divorced from reality.”
Myriam Francois-Cerrah
became popular when she was a child for acting in the 90's hit film 'Sense and Sensibility.'
Now she is gaining more popularity for being one of a growing number of
educated middle class female converts to Islam in Britain.

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