Assalamualaikum wr wb. Hello brothers and sisters in Islam. my name is Sophie. This is quite a personal story of mine.
That beautiful woman that you see on the right is my mother, Ana Isabel. She raised my two younger brothers and I in a very traditional Catholic Mexican home. we have faced difficult economic situations. When I was 13, my parents faced foreclosure & lost our home. The next 6 months we were homeless, house hopping. My father was able to find a home in a city called Bloomington, Ca. I started high school & began rebell, I partied too hard, rarely went to class, hung out with the wrong crowd, ex... home life was difficult, my parents would always bicker & My father drank often. My mother, finally sick of our situation decided to relocate our family to her hometown in Arandas Jalisco, Mexico. We eventually moved back to California to a town called Woodcrest. I started my 2nd year at a school named M.L.King High School. This is the year that I found Islam. A day after my 16th birthday I started working for a Palestinian brother at a cell phone shop. MASHALLAH his Family are the best people I know. Before I started working there I knew nothing about Islam . Here I slowly started to learn and slowly fall in love with the religion. I remember 2 weeks before I took Shahada me and my mother were walking home from work, I remember telling her how much I envied how she was so close to God and the obvious connection she had to god. Alhamdulillah, I was able to find that connection to God through Islam. Its been two years since I have accepted Islam, I don't live in California anymore and I don't work with my Palestinian brother anymore (still keep in contact). I'm currently with my family residing in Oklahoma City we are very happy and stable, Alhamdulillah. I do not regret anything that I have done in my life because if I hadn't done so I would not have been on the same road that brought me to Islam. I wish everyone the best in this life and the next." - Sophiie

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