I was asked by many people to explain my struggles and hardships... Here is a more in depth of story of reverting..
I must say the hardest battle when reverting is with family and good friends. Once I decided revert, i never really thought about the hardships i would soon endure with family and friends. Family members telling me to go back to the religion i was raised to be ( a religion that was decided for me without my input ), my father telling me to chose him or religion ( of course i chose religion) and i over hear him telling my mom as long as I'm Muslim I'm "dead" to him, and not welcomed. Now being allowed to pray in their house because it was a Catholic household... The looks they would give me when they would see me covered. Family trying to tell me about Muslims without backing anything up with actual evidence. Being called a "terrorist" because of my choice to revert, saying I don't have a mind of my own because out of no where i decided to revert. Meanwhile i was curious about Islam for about 10 years. Not being invited out for functions because they were embarrassed to be seen with me wearing the hijab or asking me to take it off with them or around them. So many things being said, i couldnt really deal with it. At this point I was truly broken, hurt beyond words. I actually started to have self doubt about my decision. That is when i decided to truly and with a whole heart to leave all my fears, worries, sadness and doubts with Allah. After every prayer, i would just sit on my prayer rug making dua and always ended with nothing but tears sometimes for an hour , sometimes two. Than i started to notice I was gaining strength. That Allah was removing these negative factors that would not lead me to Jannah out of my life.. The more these negative people left my life, the happier i was becoming. I reconnected with a fellow sister from high school , who I spent my very first Eid with, the one who was my witness I took my Shahada, the one who made sure I spent the following Ramadan with ( every night i had iftar with her and her inlaws).. She was always there to answer any and ever question i had about Islam, I even felt comfortable enough to open up to her parents ( her mother was in tears when she saw me in the hijab for the first time) when i had problems , doubts or issues. With all of their guidance , love, support and ENDLESS patience for me i would not the the muslimah i am today. I know Allah reconnected us for a reason. They were answers to my prayers. Once i was on the right path, following the right path to my creator, he sent me the man who would take my hand and help guide on the path to Jannah.
The lesson is that when Allah takes away a loved one whether it is family or a best friend dont think of it as a punishment , dont question it. Instead look at the blessing Allah is trying to show you. It may hurt ( i know it still hurts me, because i care) but i am learning to deal with it. may Allah give us all strength to let go. I know i will get to that point. May Allah ease all their hearts and accept us and our decision.
Please i encourage reverts to share your story. It is an amazing feeling knowing I am not the only one struggle with this.

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