Monday 15 June 2015

Ma shaa'Allaah! Beautiful story. May ALLAH continue to bless and strengthen sister Taqwa

Ma shaa'Allaah! Beautiful story. May ALLAH continue to bless and strengthen sister Taqwa, Aameen!
"Salam. My name is Taqwa and I would like to share the story of how I became a Muslim. I was born "Jennifer" in a dysfunctional household in Los Angeles. My mom had numerous boyfriends that came into her life and out many times. i never knew who my father was and eventually my mother got hooked on meth. She became an absolute nightmare for me and my 2 younger siblings. I had to grow up very quickly. Sadly, I began to smoke, drink and cut myself due to all of the pain and pressure. I wanted to die. I ran away from home many times but always came back because of my younger siblings.
One day, I was pumping gas at a 76 stations and I was clearly flustered and for some reason I was unable to pump gas an African American lady approached in traditional Islamic headwear approached me and offered to help me. While she walked towards me I remember immediately judging her in my mind. I asked why she wore that thing on her head when it was so hot. She explained why and in such an eloquent manner that she really caught my attention. I knew in my heart that she knew that I was going through pain and struggle and she offered dinner at her place. I declined but then as I walked away, I quickly turned around and said "ok"! She had a peaceful, angelic aura. I was very drawn to it. This sweet and kind woman is the reason I pursued Islam. It has been a struggle but Kalimah is the reason why I am the better person that I am today. My life changed drastically, I am set to graduate college and start a career now. I wear hijab and I love it! My younger brother saw the beauty of Islam and took Shahada too! That day at the gas station change my life." Your new sister in Islam, Taqwa .

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