Sunday 6 January 2013

Fazial Sadqat (Story No.1)

Fazial Sadqat (Story No.1).
A Person once came to, Imaam Hussain Radhiallaho anho and asked him to help him in his need .The Imaam said to him, you have put me under an obligation by asking me a favor and it has become incumbent upon me to give you enough money to meet this requirement and worthy of being presented to a man of your status. But, at this moment, my financial position does not allow me to give you as much as I should .Whatever amount a man might spend for the cause of Allah, it would seem insignificant (when set against the infinite bounties of Allah to him),but I am helpless ,for I do not possess as much a s I should give you as a sign of my gratitude. To you for letting me know about your need. Now ,if you are willing to accept as much as I can afford to give you and do not want me to procure mre from other sources, I shall be glad to present to you the little amount I possess, through it will fail to fulfill my obligation to you’ The main said “O son of Rasullah ,I shall be glad to accept whatever amount you bestow upon me ,and feel, grateful to you, and believe you to be incapable of giving more”.
The Imaam then told his treasurer to fetch whatever remained of the three hundred thousand Dirhams he had put in his custody.

The treasurer brought fifty thousand Dirhams (the rest had already been spent on similar occasions) whereupon Imaam Hasan Radhiallaho anho said ,”I also remember giving you fie hundred dinaars(gold-pieces)”`and the treasur said that he had them in his possession .The imam told him to fetch the Dinaars as well ,and then asked the man to fetch some porters to carry this fortune to his house .When he brought two porters, Hasan Radhiallaho anho give him the entire fortune and, as he was leaving, “It is  also my duty to pay the wages of the laborers for carrying the money to your houses; sell this garment and give the money to them as wages “At this .the slaves of the Imaam Radhiallaho anho said to him ,we have been left with nothing to buy  us our food ;you have give away your entire fortune.”The Imaam said,I have perfect faith n the bounty of Allah Taala and I earnestly hope that He will grant me bounteous reward for this act of kindness .” (Ihyaa . Just imagine! The Imaam Radhi allaho anho give away such a large fortune, keeping back nothing with him and yet he felt sorry at the thought that he had not given the man his due.

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