Wednesday 9 January 2013

Fazial Sadqat (Story No.5)

Fazial Sadqat (Story No.5).
Abdullah bin Abbas Rahiallaho anho relates: In the time of Rashullah Sallallaho alahie wasalalm,A certain man had a date palm tree growing In the courtyard of his house. 
A branch of the tree was hanging above the house of one of his neighbors who was a poor man.When the rich man climbed the tree to pick fruit and shook its branches, some of its dates fell into the poor man compound and his children picked them form the ground. At this, the rich man would climb down, go into the neighbor’s house and snatch the dates from the children .And if he saw a child chewing a date, the man would thrust his fingers into his mouth and take out the date.
The poor man went to Rasulullah Sallallaho alhi wasalm and complained against his neighbor. Rasulullah Sallallaho alahie wasallam heard his complaint and sent him away ,but then called the owner of the date palm into his presence and said to him, Are you willing to give me the date –palm hanging above yours neighbors house , in return for which I promise you a date –palm tree in Jannah? 
The man said, O Rasulullha, any people have desired to dates very much and, therefore, I have not sold it to any ,and thus excused himself from giving the tree away.
(As he was the lawful owner, Rasulullah Sallallaho alaihe wassallam did not insist on buying the tree from him, against his will).When the man went away, a sahabi, who had been listening to this conversation, came forward and said,O Rasulullah, do you also promise me a tree in Jannah, if I buy that date _palm form him and present it to you? Rasulullah Sallallaho alaihe wasallam replied, Certainly,   I promise you the same .At this ,the sahabi got up went over to the owner of the tree and said to him , I  Also won a plantation of date-palm.
can you sell that tree of you at any price? The man said, Rasulullah Sallallaho alaihe wasallam promised me a tree in Jannah in return for this date-palm, but declined the offer. The fact is that I like this for this tree very much. I might sell it, but nobody would pay the price I demand for it.The Sabahi said, How much do your demand? and the man said ,I could give it in exchange for forty date-palm .The Sabahi said ,This seems too much for a crooked tree, but are you sure that you would give this tree in exchange for forty date-palm ?The man said certainly, and if you confirm the bargain, adjure on oath.
 The Sahabi swore that he was willing to buy that tree for forty date-palms, but the man backed out of the agreement and refused to sell the tree. The Sabhi said to him, You cannot back out now, for I am on an oath to buy it. The man said All right, but all the forty trees should be growing in one and the same place. The Sabahi thought for a while and said, yes the tree are growing in one and the same place. When the bargain was finally settled, the sahabi came to Rasulullah Sallallaho alaihe wasallam and said, I have bought the date-palm tree and I present it to you. Rasulullah Sallallaho alaihe wasallam went to the poor man’s house and bestowed the tree upon him as a gift.
It was after this episode that Surah al –leyl was revealed.
 (Durre Manthur)   

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