Islam found me alhumdulillah, I was in a rough part in my life, i realized I didn't know anything about Islam or Muslims when someone around me pointed out a friend was a 'Muslim' so I got researching and a few months later decided I was in love in love with Islam in love with hijab, with all of it,My beliefs began overpowering how I was brought up, and so on the 14th of jan 2012, I took my shahada, a week prior to that I started covering yes I was covering before I was even a Muslim. SubhanAllah!
I have never looked back.}
I have never looked back.}
Honestly it was just opening my heart to someone else's world. Someone else's way of life. It was never for me to convert but with the beautiful side of Islam that the media doesn't show, how could you not accept a religion that has an answer for everything an answer that leaves you with no questions. All you have to do it take the first step and try to learn.
Islam didn't change my life it made my life, Islam gives you a reason to wake up each morning, a reason to keep going when time gets tough. You are never alone once you find Allah (swt). the darkest tunnel has light, the scariest room is not scary when you know all timethat Allah swt is there protecting you.
It was sort of a shock for my parents but subhanAllah once I showed them the good differences Islam made to who I was they were happy.that once you accept Islam, everything in your life finally has a reason.
Erin -Australia

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