"I happen to be a revert and my journey to Islam all started by falling in love with a Muslim. But first, I should share my background. I grew up Catholic and even attended Catholic school for a portion of my youth. I always believed in God but there were many concepts within Catholicism and Christianity that caused some conflicting feelings within me.
As I entered high school life seemed to have turned upside down for me. A lot of personal and family problems arose and I became self destructive. I experimented heavily with drugs and drinking. I became my own worst enemy. After graduating high school, I moved out of state to attend school. I wanted a fresh start. I was compelled to cut certain people out of my life. Although I was making positive changes, I was incredibly lonely.
One night, I happened to be in a particularly upset mood and decided to go take a walk and get some fresh air. I must have looked miserable because out of nowhere this guy stopped me to see if I was ok. I almost blew him off, like "who the heck does this guy think he is trying to talk to me?" But something pulled me in and I responded to him. I was truly touched that a complete stranger genuinely cared enough to ask if I was ok. He had such a light (noor) within him that just captivated me. I was slightly shocked when he first told me that he was Muslim. He had such a beautiful soul that I could not fathom Islam as being a religion of hate as the media has propagated.
I accepted him whole heartedly and he accepted me. We were engaged after three months later. Religion was never a huge topic between us. We both had respect for one another's beliefs. At that time I didn't subscribe to any religion but I believed in one God. As family and friends got wind that I was with a Muslim who also happened to be an immigrant. I was thrusted into the political conversation and I never entered a debate unless I know full well what I am talking about. I began to research more and more.
Finally after much soul searching, I looked at my husband and told him I wanted to recite the shahada. He was pleasantly surprised. After reciting it, I fell into his arms crying. Like my tears were purifying me. Islam has taught me patience, tolerance, and humility. My husband and I have faced certain difficulties but with our faith we've been able to persevere and realize that Allah soubhana wa t'ala always takes care of us. Alhamdulillah. I could never imagine my life without this deen."

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