Mohamad Ajis is about four years old. He was said to be travelling with his mother - a Rohingya Muslim - a month ago on one of smuggling routes, from the Bay of Bengal across the Andaman sea to southern Thailand.
Tragically, however, his mother did not survive the journey. She died in the mosquito-infested jungle near the Thai-Malaysian border.
Ajis was then left with the smugglers before his fortune turned when a Rohingya woman in Kuala Lumpur heard about his plight. Twenty-three-year-old Fatimah Hamid offered an agent 2,000 ringgit (US$560) and the boy was delivered to her a few days later.
“His mother died because her feet were swollen and the weather in the jungle was too cold for her. I heard from someone about this boy who lost his mum. I felt sorry for him and decided to bring him over and look after him. It’s enough for me that he now calls me mum,” Fatimah said.
~Subhana'Allah, the Ummah indeed is facing so much hardship. If you can aid them financially please do it for the sake of Allah and He will multiply it without measure, maybe not here but in the akhira. But if you can't, your sincere du'a for them is just as important.
Ya Rabb! indeed you suffice us....

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