Ruth , 35, Cambridge: I was raised as a Roman Catholic by parents with incredibly strong faith. My own faith in Allah has never once faltered, yet I knew that there was a missing truth from Catholicism, I just couldnt pinpoint what it was. In 2013 I entered into a relationship with a Muslim man who showed me how a loving relationship is supposed to really be. Until I met him, I had only experienced a series of selfish, disasterous relationships. It was his faith and consistantly beautiful behaviour that led to my own wake up call shortly after we married in 2014. My reversion to Islam came as a literal dawning of realisation. It was the most incredible experience and I could see the truth and things for what they really are for the very first time. I had recieved Allahs message. In Feburary this year I was overwhelmed to be contacted by Sh Abdal Hakim Murad, who lives in the same city as me and offered to oversee my Shahada. I have been truly blessed in my marriage and in Islam, and found out at the same time as I reverted, that I was halfway through a healthy pregnancy with no symptoms at all. After the birth of my first son ten years ago, I have been unable to carry a child. I found Islam and Allah rewarded me in the most wonderful way.'

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