The story of a Christian mother who was raising her child as a Muslim embraced Islam. Allaahu Akbar!
"I have experienced many awful remarks from friends and acquaintances due to my decision to continue, as a single mother, to raise my daughter as a Muslim, despite being raised a Christian myself. In recent years I have adopted many Islamic practices myself not only to ensure that I am a good influence on my daughter, but because I identify more so with those practices than I do with some of the ways in which I was raised.
I find Islam beautiful, I identify easily with it. However, I feel that it is my responsibility as a human, regardless of race and religion is to teach my daughter to be kind, compassionate and appreciative of all cultures and religions. To help others where needed and responsibly report wrongs where she may witness them.
Insh'Allah one day the world will see peace and will indeed learn to 'love thy neighbour' but until then it is each of our responsibility to be better and do better. Above all else the world needs love and acceptance. We all bleed the same after all."
"Assalamu alaikum.Sometimes back, I had submitted a post about my daughter and I, and I think it is really important to show gratitude when somebody does something nice for you. So a million times, thank you, to each of you, for all of your supportive messages and comments and love for the post, you helped me greatly.For more than a year, I had been studying arabic & watching Islamic lectures online in an effort to educate myself & teach my daughter. After what had been a very difficult few years, I began to apply advice from those lectures to my daily life and was surprised to find that after such a long time, alhumdulillah, my self-confidence began to return. I began to socialise with my friends again, got into law school, started a small business and slowly started to feel a little less scared of my own shadow. Initially, I thought I would be content celebrating both religions and continuing to study Islam in private. But I guess in my heart I knew, everything up until that point had been Allah's (swt) way of leading me to the right path, moulding me into a capable and positive sole parent, teaching me the importance of Sabr and that 'Verily with every hardship comes ease' (Qur'an 94:6).
The desire to revert to Islam had been persistent for a long time, but I was frightened that my friends & family wouldn't understand and that my daughter and I might be ostracised as a result of my decision. I gained enough confidence to ask the advice of some of my best friends who took me to meet with the Sheikh. It was the best decision I have ever made, the following day I returned and after speaking with the beautiful Sisters there, albeit with some stage fright, I happily said the Shahada, alhumdullilah.
Wearing hijab was never a question, only a matter of when. I was actually very excited about it and for the first time in memory I feel completely at home with myself. There have of course been those who don't understand, stares and comments, both positive and negative, the best though, as usual, was from my daughter. When I first put my hijab on I asked her how I looked and mash'allah with a cheeky grin she told me 'Mama, you look so so beautiful..... just like a tayteh (Grandma)'. Not quite the look I was going for, but I'll take it. Haha!!
So once again thank you all, I'm so happy to have been able to contribute. "
- Camille
- Camille
via AMF

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