Matt, "I am a revert. I was born as a Catholic, but reverted early Jan 2012. I have lived in Sydney for most of my life, Which I gladly call home. I am Currently working part time and studying Arabic while looking for a full time job. I have come such a long way after accepting Islam. The support from the Muslims has been outstanding. I feel so lucky and blessed. I have gained many great friends who have supported me every step of the way. You know who you are smile emoticon I love my Friday nights at the mosque, where we go deep into discussion regarding Islamic Issues relating to the Quran and Hadiths, its so insightful and beautiful. I have nothing but respect to all the other religions especially Christianity. My family, especially my mum has done so much for me, even after becoming Muslim. My cousin who is my best friend, has also done so much for me. One time, when salat (prayer) time was near, he said "do not you have to pray?" And I was like wow, a non-Muslim letting me know I had to pray. Although it could be That he wanted to play the game I was playing haha! One of the greatest things I love about our religion is the Emphasis on mercy. I pray that we give more mercy to others inshallah. I speak for myself before I talk about others. Anyways I do not want to drag on, so I thought I'd end this story here. I'll just add a couple of quotes from the Quran and some Hadiths to end it. Quran chapter 2 verse 152: "Therefore remember Me, I will remember you, and be thankful to Me, and do not be Ungrateful to Me." Quran chapter 2 verse 153: "O you who believe! seek assistance through patience and prayer; surely Allah is with the patient. " Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said "An Arab has no Superiority over a non-Arab and a white man has no Superiority over a black man, nor a black man over a white man-except by piety and good actions "

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