"La-in shakartum laazeedannakum 'If you give thanks, I will give you more.'" Qur'aan 14:7'"
Gratitude is a feeling of appreciation & thankfulness for blessings & benefits we receive. Gratitude works like a muscle, therefore, take time to recognize the good things & people.. the feeling of appreciation will increase, & you will be happy & successful.
"Whoever doesn't thank Allaāh doesn't thank the people."
JazakaAllāhu khairan I appreciate those who joined me on my Journey of Life.~
JazakaAllāhu khairan I appreciate those who joined me on my Journey of Life.~
As you starting your day remember all this things carry them with you through out the day
The Prophet Muhammad
صلى الله عليه وسلم
said: “Be kind,
for whenever kindness becomes part of
something, it beautifies it. Whenever it is
taken from something, it leaves it
tarnished.” – Imaam Bukhari’s Book of
Muslim Manners.
said: “Be kind,
for whenever kindness becomes part of
something, it beautifies it. Whenever it is
taken from something, it leaves it
tarnished.” – Imaam Bukhari’s Book of
Muslim Manners.
Abdullah bin Al-Haarith said, “I didn’t see
anyone who smiled more than the
Messenger of Allaah
anyone who smiled more than the
Messenger of Allaah
صلى الله عليه وسلم
.” – (At-Tirmidhee,
.” – (At-Tirmidhee,
“Keep your head up, forge forward fee-
sabeel-illaah, keep praying, learning, thinking,
following your dreams, and loving the
people in your life. It’s all worth it, it all
matters and makes a difference. Every
single thing you do is meaningful, even
when you don’t see it. You are my brothers,
my sisters, my heroes
sabeel-illaah, keep praying, learning, thinking,
following your dreams, and loving the
people in your life. It’s all worth it, it all
matters and makes a difference. Every
single thing you do is meaningful, even
when you don’t see it. You are my brothers,
my sisters, my heroes

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