"Asalam alaykum wa rahmatuALLAH. My name is Maryam and I'm french. I am a born muslim and have been wearing hijab since ever elhamduliLLAH. I have also been facing problems wearing it and face racism during my studies and while looking for a job opportunity. These later days, I was having hard time trying to find a work placement to finish my engineering studies. One of my teachers told my that as long as I would wear my headscarf, I would not find an internship and I would not validate my semester.
I started to seriously think of taking my hijab off during interviews so that I can find an internship. But ALLAH swt gave me the strength to keep it proudly on my head and at the end I found one of the most interesting position that i never dreamt or expected. ElhamduliLLAH. So, no matter what difficulties your facing keep strong and ask ALLAH swt to help you go through and to give you better than what you lost for His sake."

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