Wednesday 9 April 2014

About of Surah Fatiha

About of Surah Fatiha

“Fatiha” — is the greatest surah of Quran. It is one of the most useful, deep and comprehensive Islam prayers. It says about the assembly of ideas and general meaning of Quran confirming monotheism and being a good news for followers. In this surah Allah warns about the penalty of sinners and non-followers, and also notices the necessity of the Lord Hyperdulia. Also the surah narrates about those who went after Allah and got the beautification, and those who did not go after Him, did not follow obligations fixed by Him and found them at a loss.
Allah obliged people invocate for Him with these words during every rak’ah of namaz, as every man needs for God help. Prophet Muhammad, let Allah bless and greet him, particularly emphasized the influence power of the surah, noticing: “Fatiha» — the healing of any illness except death”. Confirming his words there is the following Hadith.
Once upon a time the group of the Prophet followers, the Peace for him and Allah berakah, passed the oasis, which headman of the tribe had been bitten by scorpion. They were met by the oasis inhabitant who said: “Are here among you the men able to heal with prayer? In the oasis there is a man bitten by scorpion”. The Prophet follower went to the headman and began to read the surah "Fatiha" 8, blowing and spitting to the place of bite. The man began to recover very fast. In some time the headman seemed to become healthy and began to walk fully free of pain. When the sick man fully recovered, the followers came back to the Allah Prophet, let Allah bless and greet him, and narrated him about happened event, whereat the Prophet asked: “Where did you get to know that “Fatiha” is able to be a charm (medicine) from? And then he said: “You did everything right 9, share everything you have got and separate a sheep for me” 10.
Imam an-Navavi said: “The surah “Fatiha” is a healing charm (together with other ways of its usefulness and fertility). So it is wishful to read the surah to those who are given harmful poisonous bite, and also to anybody suffering from any ailment or disease" 11.
This surah is an effective appeal-du'a sent to the world without notions of time and space, the correct appeal to which can turn out into indescribable forms of happiness in temporary and never-ending .

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