Thursday 16 April 2015

As Salam Allikum Warah Matulahi Wabarakatuhu,

My name is Paula Thornton, I’m from North west of England and quite frankly there are very few Muslims in my home town. My story is not of a glamorous nature
I have spent all my life looking for God I knew he was there just couldn't find him I'm born and bred in
the UK typical Christian family not practicing just a label went through my school days in a church school
so the trinity was a big deal always spoke of but to me it made no sense so my attention span was not
great so I payed very little attention to the church services Easter Christmas to me was chocolate and
presents on tv we see the Easter story I would cry if he the son of god and we love him why how could
we do this made me move further away from Christianity I felt guilty I was walking away from Jesus but
I knew he was there I could feel him as a person in my heart I knew God was there I felt him I thought
about him all the time at the age of 18 I went out with my friends as we do then a few months later I met
some missionaries Mormons I listened to then and thought ok maybe its me every religion is talking of the
trinity 3 is 1 maybe I am just wrong thinking it sounds stupid or am I daft for not understanding it I got
baptized but 2 years later walked away still it didn't feel right but I didn't know of others I looked into Jehovah's
Witnesses i didn't look in to Judism or Buddhism and hear's of Islam but I thought they are religions
for the orientals and the middle east preaching same thing as Christianity so for years I just lived my
life hoping I was doing a good job so that when I died I went up not down i got married had a family
in 2004 my husband died still thought nothing about religion but still felt I was missing something then
one day in May of last year all over the news was the story of British solider Lee Rigby I took his murder
personal was like one of my own had been murdered on the streets of the UK in broad day light I was like
how can a god tell some one to do this so the anger grew I went looking on every site I could find to feed
the anger i was having towards Islam and believe me I was finding it Islam kills Islam rapes Islam oppresses
I was finding it all and to be honest it was killing me inside I started to dislike myself so I decided I went and
bought a Qu'ran and started to read it looked for pages and groups about Islam and saw wow mind blowing how so much was blown out of context
and the more I read the more I saw I was falling in love with Islam I was starting to feel complete
I was happy for the first time in all my life spiritually I was becoming content
I found him the death of a man as lead me to my god after all these years
I changed many things how i dressed
what I ate
give up wine i didn't drink much but I give up the little I did
changed the foods I ate
I lost my husband and my son in less than 5 years of each other
I was never able to cope with that until now
Allah as given me the feelings and freedom i can not imagine having as a christian.
My Family are starting to get used to me being Muslim,, only Allah knows. Insha Allah, and would love to wear the hijab all the time. I do my prayers,five times a day, and I wear the hijab whenever I am out side or in company of brothers. and I love to tell people about it, hoping that with every person I talk to, will be one more who understands, Insha Allah.
Well that's my story ….
May Allah (God), bless you, guide you, protect you and keep you safe Insha Allah (God willing)…
Asalamu Alaikum (Peace be with you)
Paula Thornton

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