Tuesday 21 April 2015

My name is Alexandrine, I'm from Quebec City, Canada and I'm 21 years old

My name is Alexandrine, I'm from Quebec City, Canada and I'm 21 years old. I got interested in Islam about 2 years ago, but never thought of bringing my interest to the next level until 6 months ago, I moved from my mother’s house to the city I'm currently living in, I felt free and knew it was the time to officially become Muslim.
I also met a Tunisian girl (who completely changed my life) I'm currently working with and seeing her pride of wearing hijab and how it was a part of her made me feel like it was the time to start wearing the hijab. At first, it felt hard to see how people look at you, but hijab for me felt like a kind of barrier between me and these people. It was the first time in my life I felt complete and respectful of myself.
Here in Canada, they say the hijab is oppressing. I say it's a proof that a women respect herself, her body and the man she's with. It's a hard place to live with the fact of being Muslim and being a Canadian revert girl, but Allah gives me strength every day.
My hijab and my faith is the thing I'm the most proud of in my life. - Alexandrine Amirah (Canada)
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